Tuesday, March 6, 2012


In news from the Middle East, Iran has raised concerns about the United States’ rapidly expanding nuclear arsenal and questioned the security of small nations which aren’t under the aegis of the “United States Client States” commonwealth. President Ahmadinejad has ordered satellite missions to detect activity levels at various secret reactor locations in the USA. At the United Nations, the Iranian representative has called for sanctions on the United States, not on food or economic aid but Chinese-made goods which would cripple the average American. He has thus far been backed by Russia alone. Pakistan, a member of the extended 15-member Security Council has hinted it would back sanctions unless President Obama pumps in economic aid to its ally in the war against terror. The Indian ambassador was seen looking skywards and refused to comment on the issue. French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel were seen exchanging smirks but declined to offer comment.

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