Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I’ve spent the last 4 days in Mahabaleshwar for a scientific conference that has made me wiser with respect to at least three things. 1) Scientific conferences are largely a colossal waste of time and money. 2) Most scientists either do great work or present well. The proportion of researchers falling in both of these categories forms a minuscule number. 3) The most interesting scientists are all evolutionary biologists!

We’re staying at the Club Mahabaleshwar, which is an exceedingly beautiful place tottering from a colonial hangover. Established in 1881, this place is severely old-school with “No Chappals or shorts” permitted in the dining rooms and guests allowed by invitation or via contacts only. However the hammocks strung in the picturesque gardens, the chairs you sink into and the pervading air of calm make us wish we could stay longer, minus the 30-odd lectures we have been subjected to. And the food, oh the food! The best jam I’ve ever had, sumptuous curries and desserts that just melt in your mouth have been our rewards for the aforementioned lectures. We’re already worried about how we’re going to manage with the food at North canteen once we get back. And yes, kidnapping the chef is an option that has been considered, thank you very much.

The lectures. Ah. I sleep through most of them while being worried that in my trance-like state, I will blurt out something loudly in the midst of a bunch of distinguished researchers. Not fun. lectures aside, what the conference HAS done is is narrow that barrier that separates ‘us’ from the ‘real scientists’. I haven’t spoken to as many of them as I would have liked, because of the fear that the first thing they say to me will be “So I saw you sleeping during my talk”. But they seem less distant when you see them swinging their kids on their shoulders or discuss marathons with them or listening to them saying things they shouldn’t be because they are drunk (but that’s a different story). You arrive at the conclusion that scientists really are kids at heart (maybe even a bit mentally) and you know there are few options you would care for more.

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