Thursday, January 26, 2012


“Repeat what you heard”, the cold voice from the shadows said.

“The end of July will bring forth the child who has the power to kill you, my Lord. This child has been prophesized to be the one”.

The Dark Lord stood pale as death, drawing his breath in a hiss that sent shivers down Snape’s spine. “My killer...”, he whispered. “Let’s see how well the slayer does at the hands of his prey at the powerful age of 1”. It had been a year since the prophecy had been made. Now was the time to strike.

“ We leave now. Snape, with me.”

“My Lord, you spare...the child’s mother...” spoke Snape hesitantly. “I remember, Severus”, replied the Dark Lord with a touch of irritation “The Mudblood will be left for you. Now leave.”

In a whirl of wind, they were gone. Simultaneously, in a village called Godric’s Hollow 200 miles away, two cloaked figures appeared at the doorway of Number 31. It was a quiet evening but for the birds chirping. The Dark Lord flicked his wand casually and the door blasted open. A meoment later, James Potter came running out from an inner doorway, spells bursting froth from his wand. Snape hesitated, then stepped beside the Dark Lord and fired a curse at Potter. As things went crashing around the house, he watched as a framed picture of the Potters fell to the floor, as if in slow motion. It shattered to pieces as Snape said, “He’s dead, my Lord”.

They moved to the bedroom off the living room. There she stood. Lily Evans stood defiantly in front of her son, shielding him from them as golden sparks erupted from her drawn wand. She shot Snape a disgusted look before turning to The Dark Lord. “Step away girl”, said the Dark Lord. At least he was keeping his promise, Snape thought.

Lily wasn’t playing, though "Not Harry, please no don't kill him, take me, kill me instead —"
"This is my last warning —"

“Okay, take him”, she gave in!

The Dark Lord, with eyes furrowed, uttered a curse that would shoot a stream of green light at the babe and kill the prophecy. It blew up into smithereens. James Potter turned into Rudolfus and Lily into Bellatrix as everyone yelled “SURPRISE” and a banner streamed from the ceiling “HAPPY BIRTHDAY LORD VOLDEMORT- From your Death Eaters”.

Disclaimer; None of this belongs to me, it's all JK Rowling's!

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