Wednesday, February 15, 2012


She works in a development bank at Mohammad Ali road, two hours away from her house at Kharghar. She chomps on roasted gram which keeps colds away. She used to live closer by in Andheri, but her son's college is in Kharghar, and there the family shifted. He studies chemical technology at Bharatiya Vidyapeeth, a three year diploma that will lead on to a bachelor's degree. He will then go to join his uncle's chemical plant in Oman where his gransmother lives.

She is worried about her son and she shows it. He loses Rs 22000 phones, scores just 77% in his boards, is barely passing in college, and takes full advantage of his mother being away most of the time.

A mother who's extraordinary by virtue of being one.

It's funny how much you can learn from conversations you've eavesdropped on during your morning train ride.

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