Friday, February 24, 2012


In 400 words or less construct a story in the form of a series of post cards. Give us only what is on the post cards being sent from one person to another, letting the post card messages stand on their own, allowing the reader to decide what effect the messages have on the recipient.


17 July 2006
Dear Viv,
Everything’s new here. The coffee, cars on the wrong side of the road, the huge meal sizes. All this will take time getting used to! I’m about to begin with orientation programs at university, they go on for a week along with the medical exams. Later this week, we are touring Boston, that should be fun! I’m hoping I meet some interesting people soon. I can’t wait to take you around when you get here. Miss you so much already, I wish you were here.


1 August 2006
Dear Viv,
Yes, I did take plenty of pictures. You’ll have to come here to see them, though! Classes are fun and not too difficult, at least not yet. I like three-four of my batchmates, we get along well and spend our evenings together playing tennis. I showed them the picture we had taken at the beach and they think you’re pretty. I couldn’t agree more. Miss you as much as ever.


17 August 2006
Dear Viv,
I’m sorry to hear about your uncle. I hope you’re alright and taking care. Classes and my tutoring job have been keeping me busy here. My students don’t take me very seriously, I’m too lenient to be a decent teacher. My friends (Amanat and Roy) and I are doing a weekly potluck, that has been fun so far. Cooking can be fun when you create your own recipes! Miss you, come visit me sometime!


1 October 2006
Nothing much has been going on here. I’ve just been been busy with the usual stuff. My friends and I have been thinking of going on a trip around the US for our winter break. I did think about coming home, but the airplane costs proved prohibitive. It would have nice seeing you after what seems like ages. I hope your job is going on well. What else is new with you?


10 January 2007
Dear Viv,
I’ve been thinking, and this long-distance relationship really isn’t working. It’s so difficult keeping up the intensity via postcards or letters. If only someone would invent a way to keep in touch in real-time and didn’t cost as much as international calling...I hope there are no hard feelings, Viv, and that you remain the cheery girl I know.

Take care of yourself,

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