Monday, April 9, 2012

Harry Potter

...for what else could 'H' belong to? Like millions of other fangirls, I miss the heady days of awaiting the next books, discussing plots and plot holes, characters and their quirks, debating Snape's evilness quotient and predicting the winner of the Quidditch Cup. JK Rowling gave us something to look forwards to, and gave us characters so much in tune with ourselves we couldn't not be hooked. My Harry Potter stationary set and posters now lie abandoned without the fuel of a new book to keep the fire going. It’s no longer cool to dress up as a character from Hogwarts. An era has passed. In our hearts, however, the memories shall live on.


  1. I wanted to do Harry Potter too, but it didn't fit my theme. JK Rowling is my idol. She writes the absolute best characters of all time. Great post and happy A-Z blogging.

  2. I wasn't a fan, never read a book or saw a movie but I can only imagine how awesome it was.

  3. i too have never read any of the books---but it seems like it just started!

  4. @SL HEnnessy: Doesn't she! Thanks for stopping by :)

    @Jacqueline: It was, it was such a huge part of our lives. Thanks for reading :)

    @Lynn: I can't believe it's ended too!

  5. I love harry potter. Must've read book 1-3 five times each.
    Happy A-Zing!
